Thank You, Adam!

The following comes from the heart in some parts.
The warning within the message, however, is VERY real.

Dated September 22, 2001

L.A. fans, you have NO idea what a classy, nice player you acquired back in February (or, perhaps you do...I don't know). Please bear with me. It's quite the ordeal I encountered.

I got what has to be the best letter in the world today. Last month, somebody tried to rope me into believing they knew Adam personally. Then, they went one step further and linked me to a chatroom here on AOL, where they were sitting with a chatter named "TEAM USA GOLD 96." So we chatted, and what was weird was that "Adam" kept tossing these off-the-wall, puckbunny-quiz questions at me, like, "That Adam Deadmarsh....what a hottie, huh?" Things like that. It was really awkward. So then this one girl came into the room, and "Adam" asked her how to spell his last name and she typed in "Deadmarsh." I played along. That's when "Adam" invited me into a different chatroom to get away from her, so I went. *Shrug* When I entered that room, he was typing in things like, "Hi honey" and "hi sweetheart", etc. Did I care? No. Did I play into it? Yeah, kinda. Why? Because I was curious to see what was going on here.

So the one friend finally came in that introduced the two of us, and then the "Can you send me a pic of you? I'll send some of me for your site that no one has ever seen before." Now what got me to thinking is this: Here is this 26-year-old young man, two years my senior, married with almost-newborn twin daughters he hated leaving behind in CO after the trade. Why in the hell would he be asking me for a photo exchange? Especially of the bribe-nature? I run the Sheldon Kennedy website for quite a few reasons, and awareness about predators on the internet is one of them. That's why I played into it. I knew they were trying to scam me for the simple fact that a married man with a family he cared so much about wouldn't ask someone he doesn't know for a picture, especially in that manner.

Anyway, to get back to the story, he started inserting the comment "my wife, Amanda" into the chat, and that REALLY set me off. So, after a little badgering on their part, I sent a picture of myself and Ray Whitney and that's when the whole Panthers-bashing began. "If you ever wore that jersey in front of me, I'd throw trash on you."

Gee....would the man I spent so much time making a website about REALLY say something like that to me? Especially if I had *just* met him in a chatroom? Let's be real here.

Not only that, but he claimed that there were millions and millions of websites on him. **looks around......really? WHERE?**
The comical thing (to an extent) was that he pulled out and linked me to some of THE most *outdated* AVALANCHE pages on him I'd already seen (I'm talking 1996-1997, folks!). So I proceeded to ask him if he'd seen my site, and he said "No." And told me the millions of sites thing again and how he has no time to read or even care about sites on himself.

So after that, the duo got petty quiet, and "Adam" left. I bid goodnight to Glenn and sat, looking over my website and looking at the cards of Adam's that I bought and thought hard. One thought that came to my mind, and I hate to even write this here, was to tear down the site. If I was the impulsive type, I very well might have.

But I'm not, as you can see. :)

Instead, I took it upon myself to keep looking the cards over as I proceeded to write to the STAPLES center and explain what had just happened to Adam while it was still fresh in my mind. I wrote it on 8/24 and sent it the following day. I said not one word to the trio about my plans, and waited patiently, including writing my new address on the letter.

So I've been here 3 weeks, and over this period of the last 2, I got emails from Billie, the girl in the chatroom. Now, I feel sorry for her, as she honestly believes that this person that she's never met in person is Adam. I tried to tell her what caused me to question it, and she kept replying to me, "I don't care if he's famous", etc and "believe what you want to believe, it doesn't matter to me or Adam."

I haven't heard from her since after the last real update I did prior to the 11th of September.

So, in the letter to him, I simply asked for some way of knowing whether or not it was him.

Fast forward to today, when I go to HockeyFest here in South Florida. I get home, and about perhaps 2 1/2 hours ago (it's 1:45 AM on Sunday, 9/23) my Grandmother tells me that I've got mail. So I open An Adam Deadmarsh card from Germany.I get to the second one, and knowing that I didn't order anything else, I open it, thinking it was from someone for my move.

It was confirmation about the ordeal above from Adam himself.


That's as much as I care to indulge, because it wouldn't be fair to him if I went any further than that. All I can say, though, is that I emailed the little trio with this information, and anything they'd like to tell me is perfectly fine, because I know who's who in the zoo now, so to speak.

All I do know is that it is illegal to pretend you're somebody you aren't, and it's rather cruel to try and get the real Adam in trouble, TEAM USA GOLD 96. I think that this announcement is the least I could do, in case anyone else is approached by this person and his little troop. TEAM USA GOLD 96, please don't try to ruin someone's hard-earned career because you want to be twisted. It's not fair.

Adam, on a personal note, I'd just like to extend a big-time thank you to you. You've taken a LOT off of my mind, and I sincerely, wholeheartedly appreciate it. Best of luck to you this season, and enjoy your time with your family.

Hopefully, I'll be at the 10/26 game in Ft. Lauderdale. :)

The extremely cautious who you talk to online and what you choose to believe. Always take things with a grain of salt, so to speak, and if something doesn't seem 100%, go with that feeling and try to figure out a way to get the facts.



You know, a lot of thinking comes along with this site every time I work on it now, and when I glance up at my wall to see the two frames of pictures of Adam over my desk, I can't help but wonder if Glenn ever got the answer he desired. I got a hold of Billie the day or two after I got the confirmation from Adam and Glenn's reaction was rather different than Billie's. I kind of felt bad for her. I got questioned as to why I did it, and when, and I told them the truth. I was asked what the address was to the Staples center by Glenn so that he could write to Adam and ask him himself, but I told him if *I* found the address, then he could do the same.

I do think about it a lot, and I wonder if Adam saw my sign as the bus left the National Car Rental Center. It was just a simple "Congratulations on your 300th point" sign. I did make it to the period into it, of course. It was fun to go to watch live hockey again, and have it be my first game back here in Florida.

I see TeamUSA online from time to time when I have my buddy lists on. There have been times where I've wanted to IM or email and just ask "What were you thinking?", simply because he/she was the only person out of the three that I never got a reply from in response to what I had to say. I guess I'd like to take this moment to express that if anyone has any doubts as to whether Adam is kind or generous or fan-friendly...I hope this experience can do away with those doubts.

L.A. fans, don't doubt it. You definitely had a fan-favorite-worthy player on your team.
